Recruiting young wellbeing researchers to help improve Mayfair & Belgravia

Our People Positive aim to increase community wellbeing relies on an in-depth understanding of what life in the places we are active is like. This includes how safe people feel, whether they feel they belong in the area, and what people think of local amenities and the environment.  

We started our wellbeing research programme in 2021and are currently working with independent research organisation Social Life to understand how wellbeing has changed over time and see where we need to work harder.  

Our approach uses established ONS measures and assessment of primary and secondary data to identify local need and understand how our places perform. Hearing everyone’s point of view is very important to us, so as well as on-street and online surveys and community workshops, we’ve also partnered with 2-3 Degrees to recruit four young people aged 16-19 from Westminster to work alongside us as youth researchers. As well as helping us access a wider network of people of different ages, we can empower the next generation to take an active role in the future of their neighbourhood.  

Before getting out and about in Mayfair and Belgravia to interview people, they completed field researcher training covering everything from ethics and safeguarding, to how to handle rejection and how to make a good first impression. The programme also includes career development skills such as public speaking, facilitation, and networking.   

On the 13th & 14th May they’ll be facilitating a workshop for other local young people to share their experiences. We’re looking forward to seeing as many young people as possible there so please share with anyone that may be interested. Register at:  

This is just one way we’re delivering on the commitments in our youth engagement toolkit, Voice.Opportunity.Power, to:  

  • Normalise an understanding of youth engagement in place making and management 

  • Embed young adults in processes to understand their lived experiences  

  • Actively ensure that young people are involved in conversations about the future of their neighbourhoods 

Read more about our commitments to give young people a voice here. 

Click on the images below to see what the wellbeing researchers had to say about the experience.

Group 2